jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

My favorite Website...


In this opportunity I'm going to tell you about my favorite website related with my career.
This website is: http://www2.udec.cl/prematrones

The most prominent sections are:

“Material”: In this section I found Subject’s Books as biology, chemistry, anatomy; links of interest on some issues of my career as congenital malformations and Midwifery’s Book’s related to gynecology, neonatology, endocrinology and obstetric high risk.

“Mi carrera”: There is a brief summary of the career of Obstetrics, the role of the midwife and the areas where they work.

“Links de Interes”: There are links of websites on topics such as congenital malformations and neonatal care.

“Base de Datos”: This section has links to external bibliography search to find Midwifery's Books.

Also in this website there are many beautiful images about midwifery.

I visit this website frequently to download Midwifery's books for university tasks or simply reading about topics on my career.

I like visit because the books are easily accessible and interesting topics and I should know as a future midwife.

I recommend this website to my friends that studying midwifery so they can read books of our career.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Brisa
    I've never visited that website!!. thanks for the informations.

  2. Hi Vale

    The website is very interesting and very practic because the books that there are very useful.
    Thanks a lot for the tip.

