jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

My experience and my dreams: I and my career :D


Welcome to my blog! I’m Brisa Jara and I study Midwifery at Univertisty of Chile.
This is a beautiful career although the university is very hard but I do my best every day. Apart of my career I like art and the music.
In the future my dream is to work in the public hospital because I like public health and I believe that is the only way I can be with the people that need it in the most.
My experience in the earthquake was strange. My parents woke up quickly and I ran to the door of my room. In this place we stayed together and I didn’t cry, I stayed very quiet.The next days I watched on the TV how the people they were suffering. In this case as future midwife my reaction would help pregnant women and their families, provide care to the babies and provide support and assistance to all people in need.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello Vale...xD

    You are very interesting,I like your opinion about the career and agree with your dream.
    Struggle to achieve your dreams

    Take care,hugs

    Javier Irribarra

    ..how the people were suffering..

    Very good
