jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

MY FAVORITE SUBJECT: Physiology Obstetrics

My favourite subject is
Physiology Obstetrics 1. This is one of the specialized subjects of my career so it is mandatory as the basis for obstetric and clinical knowledge of a midwife. Contributes to all areas where a midwife may carry out their work: Obstetrics, Neonatology, Gynecology and Public Health.

This subject is composed of three units, each focusing on aspects that occur during in the three trimesters of the normal gestation in the foetus and in woman.

The first unit is based on embryonic and fetal development with their respective stages and also in the general and local changes that occur in pregnant women within the physiological range.

The second unit integrates the physiological changes that occur in the second quarter both in the pregnant woman and foetus by establishing the mother-child relationship.

And, the last unit incorporates evaluative elements of gestation and birth as pelvimetry and fetal static applied to a clinical setting.

In my opinion the most difficult contents are the clinical aspects, for example the fetal static, prenatal control between others. In change, the easiest content for me is the first unit of embryology.

The teachers are from Program of Anatomy and Biology of the Development and the teachers of Midwifery's School.

My marks in
Physiology Obstetrics
1 are very good and this gives me a big satisfaction because all study and dedication are reflected in these marks.

4 comentarios:

  1. Hello Vale!! physiological obstetrics is too my favorite subject :) it's very interesting and funny :)

  2. Hi Vale

    Physiological obstetrics is very important in our career.
    I feel very good that you doing well.
    See you soon,Kisses

    Javier Irribarra

  3. Hi Vale!
    Obstetric physiology I is also my favorite subject, because it is the closest to the development of our race.
    Is very beautiful the osbetrics :D

    A hug!


    all the study

    Very good writing
