domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010

My Favorite Book: "El Principito"

Hello Everyone!!! This is my first blog of the second semester, and today I´m going to talk about my favorite Book. My favorite book is "El Principito" , the author is Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
The first time I read it was when I was in eighth year of elementary education and I had thirteen years old. "El Principito" is consider as a Children's Book by the way it is written and the story in a simple principle, but in reality is a metaphor and contains many values as the love, the life and the importance of the frienship. It is a book that enriches the literature and that children, teens and adults can read.
The narrator of this book, who is the author, recalls his childhood, period where he felt very misunderstood. When he grew, became in aviator and he tells us his adventure when lost in the desert of Sahara. During this event he met the "Principito", a little boy, who reveals his vision respect to the old people and the wisdom of children. During the adventure ,"El Principito" teached to the aviator see the life of other way.
I like this book because it contains a lot of values and "El Principito" is a charming character and very pure, small but wise, which teaches a series of lessons for appreciate life.
It's interesting how simple words become poetry, and that the metaphors are a lesson of life, where each reader makes an interpretation according to their point of view and all interpretations are one true. This book allows to develop the imagination, but also see the beauty in simplicity.
To finish I leave here the two phrases that most I like of the book:
“Only with the heart one can see well. What is essential is invisible to the eye”.
"We need to bond with Others to define Our identity, to single. The man is a being in relationship".

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