jueves, 1 de julio de 2010


Hello everyone!!! Today I'm going to talk about my Blog experience
My experience with the blogs was good, although my first Blog was a lot stressful because time went too fast and I had much to write.
In general the Blogs were related to my career, allowed me to talk about issues that are important to me, for example, what I want to achieve in the future and where I would like to work.
The Blogs activities allowed me to give my opinion about topic as the gender role in the health care, especially in my career, and to know the personals opinions of my companions that study Midwifery and give them my point of view to the respect.
I didn't know that existed the blogs before, and this is my first experience with the blog and I believe that is a good means communication to express opinions, feelings related with differents topics and publish things as histories, poems, personal experiences etc.
The Blogs that most I liked are two: "My future as a Midwife" and the “Blog with free topic" and here I wrote about my other passion, the paint. I liked very much these Blogs because I could to show two important parts of me and this was very nice.
Also the Blogs activities are the good way to learn English, because reinforces grammar, is a tool to acquired new vocabulary for example some words of the technical vocabulary of our profession, and all this, help to have better domain of English.
I think my most common mistakes are the grammar and redaction because the English is very hard for me, although thought it was going to have further errors and therefore I feel I have learned a lot with this activity.

1 comentario:

    -the personal opinion of my CLASSMATES

