jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

My experience learning English.

Hello Everyone! Today I'm going to talk about my experience learning English.
English is probably the third language in the world in number of speakers who are native speakers (between 300 and 400 million people), and the second most spoken, behind Mandarin Chinese, if you count those who have it also as a second language (200 million people).
The English is descended from the language spoken by the Germanic tribes that migrated from what is now northern Germany (and part of Denmark) to the land that would become known as England..
The English is a language that is very important to dominate for the health professional to give the medical attention to the foreign patients.

To me, as a future midwife, is very important to dominate the English, because maybe in many situations I will face patients that not speak in Spanish and that them from for example some country of the Europe or the United States, and in these cases the universal language is English. In this situations is very fundamental the communication through this language to give a exact attention and provide all the necessary to the patient.
Is for this reason that in my point of view, I consider that the implementation of the English in the innovative careers is a good method to incorporate the English in the health’s professions.
In my personal case, English has been a very hard subject, because in the secondary education I don’t had English and learn this idiom without a base is complicated. To pass the English levels in these two years, I have had to make, apart the exercises of the English book, or the activities in the classes, extra exercises. I make all the weekends, listening activities, grammars exercises, interaction exercises with a computational English program, called “Tell me More” , and other kind of the exercises as for example, crossword puzzles, word search, written exercises. For me is the only way along with the classes, that I can feel more sure for the tests, oral interactions and to the exam.

In conclusion, is very important to know the English language, is very fundamental to the health’s professionals. For other part, in my case is necessary reinforce constantly the contents of the classes, and this is necessary because the time to each English level in the university maybe is short as to learn or dominate this idiom. I think that in the future the English, for the importance of this idiom, have in the professional development, should have more time in the subjects programs of each career, and that be a obligatory subject in all the careers of our university.

martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

Grey´s Anatomy :)

Grey's Anatomy is a medical drama, which combines the medicine involving the personal stories of the protagonists. The lead character is Dr. Meredith Grey, played by Ellen Pompeo. The first episode aired on March 27, 2005. Have now been issued seven seasons of the series.
The main characters are residents of Seattle Grace Hospital, and they are: Dr. Meredith Grey, Dr. Derek Shepherd, Dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens, Dr. Cristina Yang, Dr. Alex Karev, Dr. George O'Malley, Dr. Miranda Bailey, Dr. Lexie Grey, Dr. Mark Sloan, Dr. Richard Webber and Dr. Callie Torres. As the series has progressed, many characters have left the series and have built new ones. The first season will see the first few days in the work of Meredith, Cristina, Izzie, George and Alex. The five are under the orders of the resident Dr. Miranda Bailey.
Apart from the cases, it appears as Meredith begins a relationship with a neurosurgeon Derek Shepherd (with whom he went to bed not knowing who the night was before) and Cristina started another relationship with the cardiothoracic surgeon Preston Burke, and Izzie and Alex fall in love and as George is secretly in love with Meredith. Both Bailey and Richard Webber, the chief, watch over them in everything they do.
For me, this serial is very special because I've seen every episode with my mother, we both really like this group, and it is related to the area that I study. Currently the seventh season we see it every Friday night with my mother and this is what makes this program special.
My favorites characters are the Neurosurgeon; Dr. Derek Shepherd, Dr. Alex Karev and Dr. Cristina Yang.
I also like this series because in addition to surgery and show the lives of doctors and different specialties, many chapters give teachings and values.

martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

Myths and trues about the Brain XD

The Doctor Maldonado spoke about myths and truths about the brain and he exposed a series of myths. Is very important to know the brain, and is fundamental to the health professionals that they understand the functioning of this organ. For this reason that is important to know that there are many myths about the brain and that is necessary as a futures health professionals to explain to the people, to the patients, that these myths are not truth, for example: “ The human brain is different from the brain of the others animals”, this is not true, because the animals have the same structure in the brain that the human brain, the difference is not structural only that the human cerebral cortex is very longer and have more neurons. “Every brain functions are localized in a specific place of the brain”, in first moment this could be true, because there are some functions that are more “marked” in specific areas of the brain but in the same time are activated others places. Other myth that the people believe, is “The brain is like computer”, and this is absolutely false, because here there are many difference, two of the more important differences are, first, that the computer have a localized memory but the human brain has a distributed memory, and second, that the brain have simultaneous functions, but the computer has only sequential functions. “The brain represent the reality around us”, this is wrong, because for example, with my ear, I can listen one thing but with my eyes I can see other thing very different in the same situation, and this happen because in the brain are activated others areas in the same time. Each of us has different realities or different perceptions of the world. And the last myth, is “ We use only 10% of our brain”, and this is impossible, because our brain has plasticity, the brain need more neuronal connections , for example, the occipital area of the blind people is activated because they can read with his hands!!!! (Braille) The brain is a complex organ, it has the control of all our functions, and the same time permits that each of us has different perceptions. Is very important all this in Midwifery profession, because permit us to understand why each women is different, why all woman has a different perceptions of the pregnancy, labor, maternity, and for this reason the attention is different to each women. And for other part permit us to apply the "early stimulation" in the baby because the brain is plastic, in others words, is changing.

viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

Early Menopause Test!!!

Hello Everyone! Today I'm going to talk about an articule related with the menopause.
Test could warn women of early menopause: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2010/oct/18/test-women-early-menopause
The Scientists are developing a test to diagnose the early menopause in women younger than 35 years through a blood test. Among the advances that have allowed give a focus on developing this test, is the identification and understanding of 4 genes relevant to early menopause. This test would be beneficial for those women trying to become pregnant and who can’t conceive due to early menopause. Researchers from Exeter University' Peninsula Medical School and the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) examined the four genes. The Dr Anna Murray, says "It is estimated that a woman's ability to conceive decreases on average 10 years before she starts the menopause, and "Therefore those who are destined to have an early menopause and delay childbearing until their 30s are more likely to have problems conceiving. These findings are the first stage in developing an easy and relatively inexpensive genetic test which could help the one in 20 UK women who may be affected by early menopause." The published study in the journal “Human Molecular Genetics” is the first investigation, and with the collaboration of some organizations, pretends to keep track of 100,000 women over the next 40 years to determine lifestyles, environmental and genetic factors that make some women susceptible to most common cancer in women. The fertility experts said that genetics test prevents women who postpone childbearing to age 30 and realize they can’t conceive a pregnancy, and suddenly they find suffering from early menopause. As today there are more women who delay childbearing, this test can tell you in advance to women who carry genes that suffer from early menopause and that after to start the menopause is not there return. In my opinion this test is an excellent solution for women with early menopause, and who delayed motherhood for reasons such as personal fulfillment and work, enabling them to keep in mind who are carriers of genes. So, of this way, they can decide to have children earlier and avoid feeling frustrated with the idea of motherhood.

martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

Dealing with stress =S

Hello Everyone! Today I'm going to talk about the dealing with stress.

Stress is a physiological reaction mechanism where they act mechanisms of defense against threatening situations. It is a natural response but today is confused with a disease because it can cause damage in the human body. When this natural response is given in excess during an overload of stress affects the body and can cause the onset of disease and pathological abnormalities that prevent normal development and functioning of the human body.

The trigger situations of stress or "stressors" can be any stimulus that affects the body's internal balance. There are 8 major categories of stressors, and are: situations that force to process information quickly, harmful environmental stimuli, perceptions of threat, disruption of physiological functions, isolation, locking of the interest, pressure and frustration.

Some symptoms of stress are anxiety, constant pressure, confusion and haste, irritability and sadness, physical symptoms such as stomach problems, headaches and chest pains, allergic reactions such as eczema and asthma, sleep disorders, excessive drinking, overeating and depression.

On the other hand, the “Work Stress” can be defined as a set of adverse reactions, both physical and emotional, that attend when work demands exceed the capacity, resources or needs of the worker. Job stress can lead to psychological and even physical illness.

I will be a midwife, and in the future I will be faced with stressful situations that I will have to overcome. Some situations that may occur are, for example, a hospital with many patients and with few professionals, where there are to give the attention to the people quickly and effective, causing a lot of pressure on the professionals in that situation.

So, How to manage stress?
Some ways of dealing with stress are, for example, sleep good, breathing exercises and relaxation, make some sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and learn to solve problems.

martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010

The Presentation of Doctor Valenzuela: The Levonorgestrel.

Hello Everyone! Today I'm going to talk about the presentation of Doctor Valenzuela.
The presentation of the Doctor Carlos Valenzuela was very interesting because told about a topic very related with my career, because the Levonorgestrel is an emergency contraception.With this presentation I understood better the research paper, because the Doctor Valenzuela made graphics on the board and also he showed others similar investigations.
The point of view of the doctor Valenzuela is that the Levonorgestrel is not abortive because this pill has no effect on embryo implantation in the uterus. The Levonorgestrel stop the cycle of the embryo in the Fallopian Tubes and of this way prevents a pregnancy.

The definition of abortion as said the doctor Valenzuela is no clear for nobody and is not clear in the world. For me the abortion is the influence in the development of a new human being, is impede the development of the embryo, affect the cycle in the uterine tubes, is intervene in the fusion process between sperm and oocyte. This point is important because for me the human life begins when the gametes are joined and is produced the combination of the genetic material.
But for me, abortion is not to prevent the meeting of gametes because if these cells are never found, because the new life will never be formed and the genetic material will never combine, and therefore there not would zygote or embryo.
The doctor Valenzuela also told that the use of Levonorgestrel increase the probability of ectopic pregnancy, that is when the embryo is implanted into the oviducts and this situation is pathological because on this site are not the elements necessary for the development of the embryo, and this space is not suitable for embryo growth.

Finally, I can say that in part, I can be against of Levonorgestrel because according to the Dr. Valenzuela exposure, the pill stops the cycle of the embryo through the uterine tubes, where in the literature the same effect is described as the prevention of the implantation by the modification of the walls of the uterus, and this agrees with my personal definition of abortion. But, other effects of Levonorgestrel is that it prevents ovulation, maturation, and the output of the oocyte from the ovary (anovulatory effect), preventing the union of oocyte and sperm, and other effect is that hinders the transport of sperm, preventing from joining with the oocyte (contraceptive effect).

miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

U2, My favorite Rock Band!

Hello Everyone! Today I'm going to talk about my favorite band, U2.
U2 is an Irish rock band formed in 1977. This comprised for:
-Bono: Singer and Guitarist
-The Edge: Guitar, Keyboards and Vocals -
Clayton: Bass
-Larry Mullen Jr: Drums and Percussion.

U2 is one of the world's most popular bands from the mid 1980s. It has sold more than 190 million albums worldwide, has six albums that have reached the number one the charts in the United States and nine in the United Kingdom. U2 is one of the most successful groups of all time. They have garnered 22 Grammy Awards, the highest figure for a rock band or artist. The first album of the group was “Boy”, and others albums are, “October”, “Achtung Baby”, “How to dismantle an atomic bomb” and the most recently album is “No line on the Horizon” between others.

I like the style and the topic in the songs of this band. My favorites songs are: “Miracle Drug”, “Electrical Storm”, “Original of the species”, “Elevation”, “One” and “I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight”.

I knew this band when I heard the album “All that you can’t leave behind” when I had eleven years old and I liked very much the song “Beautiful Day” the music of this song is very relax! I was surprised with the music! Only some songs relates to the politic I do not like very much, but if I like the rhythm and music.

Actually the band is in the “360º Tour”, and the next year they will come to Chile, It would be the third time they visit our country and I hope to go see the concert.