martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010

The Presentation of Doctor Valenzuela: The Levonorgestrel.

Hello Everyone! Today I'm going to talk about the presentation of Doctor Valenzuela.
The presentation of the Doctor Carlos Valenzuela was very interesting because told about a topic very related with my career, because the Levonorgestrel is an emergency contraception.With this presentation I understood better the research paper, because the Doctor Valenzuela made graphics on the board and also he showed others similar investigations.
The point of view of the doctor Valenzuela is that the Levonorgestrel is not abortive because this pill has no effect on embryo implantation in the uterus. The Levonorgestrel stop the cycle of the embryo in the Fallopian Tubes and of this way prevents a pregnancy.

The definition of abortion as said the doctor Valenzuela is no clear for nobody and is not clear in the world. For me the abortion is the influence in the development of a new human being, is impede the development of the embryo, affect the cycle in the uterine tubes, is intervene in the fusion process between sperm and oocyte. This point is important because for me the human life begins when the gametes are joined and is produced the combination of the genetic material.
But for me, abortion is not to prevent the meeting of gametes because if these cells are never found, because the new life will never be formed and the genetic material will never combine, and therefore there not would zygote or embryo.
The doctor Valenzuela also told that the use of Levonorgestrel increase the probability of ectopic pregnancy, that is when the embryo is implanted into the oviducts and this situation is pathological because on this site are not the elements necessary for the development of the embryo, and this space is not suitable for embryo growth.

Finally, I can say that in part, I can be against of Levonorgestrel because according to the Dr. Valenzuela exposure, the pill stops the cycle of the embryo through the uterine tubes, where in the literature the same effect is described as the prevention of the implantation by the modification of the walls of the uterus, and this agrees with my personal definition of abortion. But, other effects of Levonorgestrel is that it prevents ovulation, maturation, and the output of the oocyte from the ovary (anovulatory effect), preventing the union of oocyte and sperm, and other effect is that hinders the transport of sperm, preventing from joining with the oocyte (contraceptive effect).

1 comentario:

    -The Levonorgestrel sTOPS
    -it is iNTERFERING IN
    -on this site THERE ARE NOT...

